Thursday, November 10, 2011

The greatness know as being good... also a list of amazing things.

            Alright, intrinsic good. What is it, examples, and how have I experienced it? Challenge accepted. Intrinsic good is, as everyone says, something that is good for its on basic sake. I’m not sure exactly how to rephrase this. It just is what it is. It is something that just makes life better by being there, not doing something. The mountains cause great harm for people trying to climb them, or pass them, but they are intrinsically good because of their beauty, their presence, and power. Without intrinsic good, a person would never be content, never reach that “inner piece” everyone strives for. Ok you want examples, I’ll give you examples.

Puns- “barges? Barges? We don’t need no stink’in barges!”
Christmas lights
Inside jokes
Pets- my fish Finnick Odair Buxman and dogs =)
Finnick Odair =)- READ THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!!
HUNGER GAMES!!!!!!!!!!
People who climb trees
Music- More recently The Airborne Toxic Event and the Decemberists
The feeling of clothes fresh out of the dryer
Lighting!!!! I really want to make Tesla Coils!!!!!!
Greek Mythology

            And now a personal experience. Let’s meet my best friend and his girlfriend Alex and Megan. Alex has been my best friend for a couple months and my friend for a little over a year. Megan has been my friend for 8 months, and Alex’s girlfriend for 3 months. (all dates are approximate ish) Since we all go to the same school, though different grades, we spent uber amount of time together. Since Greeley was boring, we spent a lot of time hanging out in parks just lying in the grass and talking. Now here is where the intrinsic part comes in. Our favorite thing to do was to lie in the grass at night, wrap up in blankets and just look at the stars and clouds. We didn’t talk about how the stars could help our lives; we just said “wow those are amazing. Isn’t God great.” The last night I spent in college, we did this. We went to our favorite park and laid down by the lake to stare at the amazing starry sky. After an hour or so we started playing our favorite songs on my Iphone and basically spent the last couple hours together admiring God’s creation. That’s what intrinsic good is and I remember God, as well as my friends, every time I look in the sky and see Orion’s Belt. I sure hope this makes sense.

Ok now the questions. What exactly makes something unitrisictaly good?
            How much of our life should we focus on the intrinsic aspect and how much on the usefulness aspect of something?

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